Thursday, August 17, 2023

Clouds In our Sky


 I took these photos because I was standing by the pool enthralled with the beauty of our Florida sky behind our tree. The very top of the tree is where the Night Blooming Cactus live.
When we bought the house 34 years ago, that tree to was not much taller than our roof line.
Much easier to see these blooms.

In this view to the right is part of our front yard oak and to the left top is our fish tail palm

in the photo below you can see on the left side that until last month there was a 2nd tree next to our pine tree. You may remember the neighbor cut it down. leaving the tall stump and tried to cut all the limbs over his property on our front yard oak tree. Behold 6 weeks after the Cutting, he had 17,000 dollars of solar panels put on top of his house.
Now we know why he was trimming trees. That missing tree is making our kitchen garage stifling in the afternoons. to be continued Monday


DeniseinVA said...

Your trees are lovely. Did your neighbor ask your permission, or at least explain what he wanted to do and why? The night blooming cactus is beautiful!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yep, it will let in more heat and more light. What a shame.

Linda said...

You have such interesting plants! Night blooming cactus! Wow!
When we lost our big elm tree in the backyard by our gazebo - so much changed. With no shade our plants died and then the 'trash trees' in the neighbor's yard behind us got bigger and bigger and have turned into 'real' trees and have gifted us with some shade. Trees are our friends!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
... there is a bit of me thrilled that the neighbour is thinking green regarding power... but at the cost of actual green? What a contradiction! YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

oh my the cactus!!! I love such little wonders of nature... the only cactus what bloomed was a carrion flower ... I had NO clue how awful this plants smell hahahaha

Ann said...

Love the trees. It's a shame that the neighbor had to cut one down.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Kudos to your neighbour for installing solar panels. I hope he is able to replace the tree that was sacrificed with something that perhaps will not be quite as tall. Solar in Florida should be especially efficient, I would think.

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

Sad to lose a tree especially when it was providing some much needed shade in Florida! Beautiful cactus bloom too..

DUTA said...

No solar power deserves the sacrifice of your cactus tree.

My Mind's Eye said...

As you know I too am a lover of sky views ...they are even pretty on a cloudy day. Such pretty blue you have
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Yes, there are days I just look up at the sky and go, "Wow!" I wonder if one can't mount solar panels on the sides of houses -- he should buy one of those for y'all.

Chatty Crone said...

Sad he is helping himself and hurting you. Sorry.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I do remember the tree being cut down. Your trees have really grown a lot. There is something I love about those fish tail palm leaves.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

You do have some beautiful skies!

I'm sorry about your silly neighbor...

photowannabe said...

Wow, how fast the trees grow but how sad your shade disappeared.
Sometimes it is hard to live next door to some people..

CheerfulMonk said...

That's so sad about your neighbor cutting the trees. 😟 I love the picture with the clouds!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those tree blooms sure are pretty and the sky is too!

Rose said...

I love to watch clouds...dont know what to say about the neighbor...