Sunday, October 22, 2023

Oh No! she did not! part 2


continued from prior post Oh No! she did not! part 1
After taking several practice shots using my hand signals to Samsung A14, I asked my phone if it could make a collage?  YES! I found it in Gallery, and it was so easy, I made TWO. ha ha . then 
 I thought of my e-friend Ann, of Ann's Snap Edit Scrap, and the fact she bought the same cell phone as mine a couple of weeks before I bought mine. Excited I had learned something new on OUR phones, I texted her the rounded collage, and said I just learned to make a collage on our phone. 
She replied, I will have to look for it, I have not seen it.  I quickly sent the 4 steps to find it and she replied, Cool! I found it; Now I'll have to play with that when I do home today!
She also sent a sticker of a Happy Dance.
OH NO! old clueless in the orange jacket totally forgot Ann was at work!
I hope she doesnt get in trouble for texting while baking.
Forgive me Ann, and  since we never know who is watching MadSnapper Posts.
No app needed, its already there....If you want to know if your phone will do this, JUST ASK IT!
MY happy dance! I love finding new things on my phones


CheerfulMonk said...

That's neat you both have the same device so you can share ideas! It makes it more fun. ❤️

Ginny Hartzler said...

The round collage is really cool, and you look so good in all the photos. I think Anne wouldn't have looked at her texts if she was too busy.

Ann said...

Not to worry. Since the cashiers always have their phones out while working I figured I can too. If I get a text while I'm working I answer it so long as I hear it come it.
I did try out the collage thing too. I made two so far. I'm glad you have the same phone. Now I'll find things I never would have.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I have not been editing my photos on my phone, but download them from Google Photos and work them in PixlR or the Chromebook's onboard app. The latter is not as flexible as I had on the PC version and I certainly can't do collages on it. After your prompt, I went searching; the process is a bit different, and I am going to make it my Friday Feature!!! Thanks for making me curious! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

I like the collages and your selfies, very cute!
The collage app sounds fun!
Take care, have a great day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am quite sure the techie world was made for you!

My Mind's Eye said...

MS you amaze me with all you find on your phone. I'm still just very thankful mine makes calls and sends texts.
I'm gonna have to get better with other stuff though.
My camera is over 12 years old and won't be around forever
Hugs Cecili

Mevely317 said...

Okay, you know where I'm going 'soon as I get off this!

I'm not holding my breath, however; and can't even consider buying a new phone right now. Tech envy, lol!

Inger said...

You look so great in that jacket in the last picture. I know I've heard about that castle before, so I must have known you are part Scottish. I wish you could go. My great niece was just there this summer and she loved it. I love the way they speak it's my favorite English after Jamaican.

DeniseinVA said...

You look very nice and you match colors in the frame, except the black but that looks good on you too. Great that you and Ann have the same phone.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You always have such a fun time when you find new things on your phone. I get irritated when my phone makes noises at me LOL!

Tigger's Mum said...

Glad to see you found it - collage has been around for a while in Samsung (my VERY old Samsung has that) and I would be disappointed if I bought a new one and they had ditched that useful (and easy to use) feature.

Rose said...

I bet I don't know half what my phone does...just don't play with it that much.

Betty Manousos said...

the color red looks good on you! love all of them though. glad you share the same phone with Ann. xoxoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad that you have so much fun playing with your phone. The collage photos are really cute. Continue enjoying to play with your phone.

carol l mckenna said...

Great photo collage and sorry I am not the 'Carol'you thought I was ~ thanks for visiting and all your comments ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)