Monday, October 23, 2023

Thumbs Down


I had a battle over Thumbs. I asked AI 4 different times and wording to create a young man, madly typing on cell phone, using his thumbs. 
these two are adorable, and I wanted to use all of them, I created 12. Some had thumbs, some did not, some had 3 thumbs. NONE had what i asked. I did ask in all different ways.

Last but the best is this one.

I stood in line, staring in amazement at the rapidly typing thumbs of a handsome young man. As I type these words, using my standard keyboard, I wonder if he thought I might be a 'cougar' 
I must Talk to my Text, because I can NOT type on my cell phone. My first smartphone was 2017, 4 inches long, next was 5 inch then came 6'6 and 7 inch iPhone.  No matter how big the phone is, I can not type, I have to tap with one pointer and half the letters are incorrect. 

As I stood staring at his thumbs and how nimble they were, and how they bent in half when needed, I looked down at my thumbs... 

Here you go! see the big lumps on both knuckles? they are arthritis spurs, the bend you see is as far as they bend, They will not touch the screen without touching several keys at once. Both hands. Now I realize why i can't type, as I type this on the desktop keyboard my thumbs and fingers are flat. the way I learned to type in 1961. I am so thankful I can talk to my phone, but it is a little awkward if I am in public and want to answer a text. I have to sit and poke one letter at a time, then poke it to backspace it out and try for the right one. 
Can you type with your thumbs? Can you hold the phone in one hand and type with your thumb? 
I wish I could


Tigger's Mum said...

no I absolutely cannot type on a phone with my thumbs and am amazed at anyone who can - and simultaneously wonder what their output looks like. There is some sort of facility to start typing a word and swipe at the suggestions that come up to fill in the rest. My brother uses that 'predictive text' feature all the time.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never been able to type with my thumbs. I think only the younger people can do this, because they grew up with texting and smart phones. I have to type with two fingers, which is how I type on the computer and what I am doing now. I can go really fast. But I am all thumbs with thumbs. I have watched as some teenagers just go like lightening. And one teenager I knew could text without looking.

CheerfulMonk said...

No, no thumbs here! I'm lucky if I can get it right with my index finger.

DeniseinVA said...

I cannot type with my thumbs. I am starting to talk to my phone these days but not always possible in public spaces. I really have to watch auto correct. They can change words into real doozies. Other times I use one hand to hold and one finger on the other hand to type but it always feels awkward.

easyweimaraner said...

I'm way to dumb for typing with my thumb...and I have an artificial tension in one so it is anyway impossible... I'm the pointer typer ... and thats the way to type the funniest things when autocomplete is on ... like wishing you a wonderful crimescene for wishing you a wonderful christmas ( who knows if the wrong gifts are under the tree it can become a crimescene LOL)

DawnTreader said...

I've never really even felt tempted to try, but of course now I had to. I certainly can't hold and thumb-type with one and the same hand. Holding the phone with both hands and using both thumbs, I "can" write that way but often hit the wrong letters so have to correct a lot. My preferred method with the phone is holding the phone in my left hand and use a ... stylus (just learned the word) with the other hand. Or my index finger, if no pen at hand. I don't write very much on the phone. On the tablet, if I have that on rack, I often use both index fingers - or one stylus + one finger. But for longer texts I prefer using my computer with a separate full size keyboard, and typing with all my fingers, which I learned already back in my teens...

Ann said...

Can I type with thumbs? Yes but not without a lot of errors. I found that using the words that pop up across the top helps cut down on the mistakes. I watch my kids type on their phones and can't understand how they can do it so fast. I can't type with one hand though.

eileeninmd said...

No, I can not type with my thumbs. I guess that is something the younger generation does well. They spend all there time on the phone practicing, lol.
Take care, have a great day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am amazed at the dexterity of kids who type with their thumbs, I find it quite impossible.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I do use my thumbs - clumsily - and like Ann, I make use of the predictive text function, which helps a great deal. I am very fortunate that the arthritis, despite being in my finger joints earlier in life, has decided to move into the bigger ones and left my hands fairly dextrous. YAM xx

My Mind's Eye said...

MS well done on talking to AI and being understood.
Ouch on your thumbs.
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

PS I don't type on my iPhone with my thumbs. I use my right index finger. BOL BOL

Brian's Home Blog said...

I can't type on the cell phone with my thumbs either and I can hardly type at all on that wee tiny phone keyboard. I won't use the dictation mode because the microphone is always on and recording what you say, that's how it learns.

Mevely317 said...

Here, I thought I was the only one!

My granddaughters were keying/thumbing/whatever you want to call it while still in grade school. Soon as I tried it, the phone liked to slip right out of my hands. Whenever I have to respond to a text I've learned to do it verrrry slowly and carefully (so as not to awake the auto correct monster).

PS - I learned to type in 1966 the same as you.

Rose said...

No, I cannot type with thumb, and even with finger it takes so long because of all the mistakes, never mind all the ones I miss. One of my thumbs has the joint fused because of an is at least half an inch shorter than the other.

Inger said...

I've never even tried to type my texts. Jeanne turns her phone horizontally to get a larger keyboard. Not sure if she types with her thumbs My phone thinks Faith's name is Face. Faith is not pleased.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I also am a clutz at texting with my hubby, however, can text like a speed demon with his...sheesh!

photowannabe said...

I am always amazed at the way people can type on their phones. Me? I'm a hunt and peck kind of typer on it. I do manage but not the way you are asking about.
Like you I learned to type on a typewriter way back in the Dark Ages and this is how I do my blogs on my laptop.
Love your fascinating AI suggestions. I love how you come up with the fodder for your posts. Makes me feel very Dull-Brained..haha..

photowannabe said...

Reading the comments about auto correct I have to share this from last night.
our son PM me to see what was a good time to do a call. I gave a time and he said oh, the bathroom is calling us, can we make it a bit later.
I typed back.."No Rush".. it can out through auto correct no tush...I thought that was funny, he did too. Big Brother is always watching.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about your thumbs. I see people texting so fast with their thumbs. I never learned how to do that. I just use my finger. I don't know how they do it. I'm so used to typing on a keyboard and not using my thumbs.