. Last week this is what I saw while Facetiming with my Brother and his wife.
The faces are blurred because neither of them have any profile or photos on the Internet.
No Photos allowed, no names allowed.
I created this because I was afraid to snip the screen for fear I would cut them off. behind the two heads were walls of books, their dining room is a dining/library combo.
Imagine their heads leaning, my mouth open talking on a background of books.
Whatever you are thinking. ha ha, So was I. It is ok to talk, they never read my blog. ha ha
Would you pay for a vacation that requires you to leave your cell phone at home? No email, no internet, no phone contact
HERE is the link
For you homework, follow the link and Read the part GET LOST! not required of course, but tomorrow we will discuss that part. A tale of MS and the Spectrum Call Center Operator
to be continued....Tuesday 11/20
Digital Detox, I like that term. I await the discussion on it.
I don't have time to read all about the vacation without any devices but I would say I could do it but it would be a big adjustment. I tend to sit with my phone and tablet while watching tv and play games or scroll Facebook a lot while listening to whats on the tv.
Hari OM
There is a region block on the link so I can't do the 'homework'... not to worry, I'll get the gist from the surround discussion. I have had lots of breaks where no tech available, but never for long (most was 7 days). Didn't mind it for that length of time. YAM xx
I have traveled to places where my phone service does not work.
I will not pay extra for a new sim card, so I go without.
Sometimes I have been able to connect with the wifi.
Take care, have a great day!
I can't follow the link now but will try to later..
Cute screen! I've always wanted a home with a library, but never thought about combining it with a dining room. Actually, that sounds elegant ... like something out of a film set.
Could I? (Travel w/o my phone?) Probably, but there's no way I'd want to. Anymore, it's my whole life. I agree with the person who said, (for some people) "Not having a phone will just boost their anxiety.” And another, "Smart phones are like a drug." So be it, haha!
I would not want to travel without a smartphone now because our whole society nowadays is so much based on us having one. For a younger generation I can imagine it being an adventure in itself to try it :)
When I go out on my daily walks I usually turn the sound on my phone off (unless there is some special reason not to) and don't use it except as camera.
Vacation without communication? I probably could not do it. I remember years ago when I thought people who walked around talking on their cell phones in public were a tad looney. I didn't see the why of it all- who needed to be connected to other people all the dang time, even in the grocery store.
Now that looney is me- "do you want me to get this? or that?" "what are you doing?" Crazy how much we have changed. I also remember when if kids brought their cell phones to school and the teacher saw it, the student would lose the phone for the day. Now kids sit in class texting each other or watching videos instead of listening to the teacher.
I am not one who is obsessed with my cell. I would want it on vacation to stay in touch with family. I don't do FB,instagram, or use it to check news. Your brother and SIL have a lot of books.
Hugs Cecilia
I've been without cell service because of where I live and then I hate being without a landline. Today we have a windstorm and I'm waiting to see if all the work they did installing new power poles and lines will hold up. I hope for no power outages. So far all is well.
An interesting post. Would I take that vacation?. I do for a portion of every day! Aloha friend
It would be hard to go on vaction without my cell phone because I never go on vacation LOL!
I traveled a lot when I was younger, before the internet. I'm glad I did but have no desire to do it now. Most of my friends are via the internet, and it's my window to the world.
Today's comment is on tomorrow's post. Phone at home? No problem. Lost in and endless mutli-storied shopping mall - big problem, and not one your phone can get you out of in any event. Maps don't work in there and it gets stressful when you can't even work out what direction you are going after you have gone round about three corners.
It sounds like a relaxing time but I don't think I could do it. I would want to take photos.
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