Thursday, December 28, 2023

Thank You Jackie and Richard


My friend Jackie and her hubby Richard, stopped by the day before Christmas to leave Beau a present.
She did not bring on for me because in the past i have begged her not to give me presents.
After their visit, they went to do errands and about 6;30, while watching a movie, we saw lights shine across the tv screen and i got up to see who was out there. 
Richard climbed out and came to the door holding out a bag, he said this is the rice we told you about.

The package holds 3 bowls, all I have to do is zap for 2 minutes in microwave and Voila, I have rice for my IBS diet... Each bowl has 3 servings. Nine meals out of the 3 bowls. Woo Hoo. I can't eat spices and stay on a easy on the symptoms diet. For two lunches,  I just added added broccoli, rotisserie chicken, and a touch of salt.


for breakfast the nest day, small portion of ground pork, not sausage, for some reason I can eat pork and chicken and fish. those are the three proteins I can eat small portions of. I whisked one egg and added a sprinkle of cheese and YUM.   I have been living on rice pasta for the past year. I hate cooking rice, and this is sooooo Easy.... Rice is my friend. So is Jackie, I am thankful for my new found easy rice and for friends who stop by to give 9 meals to me... if you happen to look for this, it is found in the International Foods, not with rice.



Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...I am a little astounded. Microwave rice has been around for quite some years now. Ben's Pouches or also Tilda Pouches are two staples I keep handy... although as you saw, I make my rice in the microwave anyway, just that it takes 12 minutes from scratch. The pouches are great for ease. YAM xx

Ann said...

I love rice but don't have it very often for some reason. I've never seen this one but I don't usually check the international section so that's probably why. That was nice of them to bring it to you.

DawnTreader said...

What a nice, thoughtful and useful present from your friends. Glad you found something to make your diet meals easier for you.

eileeninmd said...

These packages of rice are wonderful, easy and quick to make.
Your friends are very nice to stop back and bring you some.
We often have, especially with chicken meals.
Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

What a good friend!

DeniseinVA said...

Such a thoughtful gift! I like your additions. They sound so good.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We use rice all the time. The only kind we use is Basmati and we make a huge saucepan full and freeze it in containers with sufficient for the two of us, so in addition to the meal when we make it, we have about six meals ahead. I am not quite sure why you dislike making rice. It’s just rice and water (or broth) in one pot. We also make fried rice quite frequently - two variations, one Vietnamese, the other Thai.

Tigger's Mum said...

What kind friends. You have probably heard it all before about cooking rice but I swear if you use basmati and do as my Chinese friend showed it is so easy - put rice (any quantity) in a saucepan that has a close fitting lid and put in enough cold water to cover it plus enough more water to reach he first joint on your little finger. (i.e. the outer section of your smallest finger). Bring it to the boil. Turn off the heat without lifting the lid and leave it to steam itself. If the lid on the pot is not close fitting cover the pot with aluminium foil before you bring it to the boil.

Better still - just get a rice steamer. All my other Chinese friends swear by them (the ones who don't use the finger measure approach). The finger joint of extra water applies to absolutely any quantity of rice she said - and she seems to be correct.

My Mind's Eye said...

They are quite thoughtful....and you dishes look very tasty
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

You're making me crave broccoli!
I, too, love rice -- Tom not so much, so I rarely fix it. My first husband and I were so poor more often that not 'dinner' was a big bowl of white rice with cream of mushroom soup heated and stirred in. If we were feeling 'flush' we'd serve it over toast. (lol)

I'm so glad you've discovered something that works with your IBS!

Jo said...

What a practical gift from your friends. Great to have such easily prepared meals and you make them sound very tasty. Thank you for commenting on my blog. Jo

Inger said...

Good friends are the best, to have them come by with something you need from the store is so great. And the rice looks really simple to deal with, right up my alley so to speak.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well now, that was really, really nice and thoughtful too!

Ida said...

What a nice thing for them to do. I love rice. I'm glad you are able to find stuff like this that is easy for you to eat.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a great lunch idea...or dinner even(chicken, rice and broccoli)! I know we have rice in containers like this, but not sure about the sticky rice....I'm going to check for sure!

Susan Kane said...

Someone was really thinking about this. God bless them!

CheerfulMonk said...

What a thoughtful gift! I'll check to see if our supermarket has it. ❤️

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was so sweet of them. I'm glad you have found a diet that works for your IBS.