Saturday, January 27, 2024

Get Thee Behind me Satan

Jan 26, 2017, I decided I had to change my life, or die an early death, possibly from diabetes since it is rampant in our family. This meant giving up sugar, and I went cold turkey, no sugar and I I lost 10 pounds the first two weeks and a friend at the YMCA pool, told me about her and her husbands almost 100 pound loss after Joining TOPS. Take Off Pounds Sensibly.
I went to the local chapter mid Feb of 2017 and by the end of 2018 I had lost 70 pounds.

Yesterday marked 7 years since the day I gave up sugar. No Cookies, no candy, no donuts, no pies, no cakes. 

Hello, my name is Sandra and I am a sugarholic! Each year I post about this to remind myself, just one bite of a donut or ice cream and I will be lost once again.
The good news is the above shows the 2 year it took me to lose 70 pound, to see more  PHOTOS.. I go through the label TOPS to remember the struggle and to consider I might be dead by now if I had not gone sugar free. I have stayed within 5 pounds of that goal .

The problem is, my size stays the same in the last few years, but the wrinkles keep coming and I have watched myself grow older and older. Taking Selfies of myself helps keep me going, because 5 pounds can be felt and seen. Sometimes the devil sits on my shoulder and says, go ahead, eat that ice cream, you can get fat again and the wrinkles will disappear. 

I know this lie, I listened to the devil once. I lost 100 pounds in 1980 and 8 year later ATE ONE ICE CREAM Cone and gain all 100 back in 14 months. 

Get Thee Behind me Satan! this is day 1 of my 8th year! Hope to see you January 26, 2025 still sober.

If you think you might have a food addiction, you are not alone. Here is a QUIZ of 20 questions. I answered yes to 11 of the 20. These 2 were my worst enemies.

Do you eat differently in private than you do in front of other people? YES Do you eat in secret? YES

If you answer yes to one or more, you may have a food addiction. Seek Help.


Ginny Hartzler said...

It is just amazing seeing the comparison in this collage as you lost the weight. Congratulations!! I have lost 80 pounds in the last few years, but I could never give up all the different foods that you do. You have a lot of self-control and willpower!!! And I have never seen that you have more wrinkles when you are skinnier!! You look glowing!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
You are a role model!!! As to the quiz, I could honestly answer no to all questions. My weight management comes down to a lack of mobility and not the relationship with food. Though without doubt, I could do to eat a little less sugar/carbs... YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You look terrific and it’s a testament to your iron will. Bravo!

Ann said...

You should be proud of yourself for taking all that weight off and keeping it off. I for one am glad you did it and are still around to tell us about it. I took the quiz and I answered yes to 10 of those questions which is why I made a change in my eating. I'm not down to where I want to be but I have at least managed to get my weight to the normal range.

DeniseinVA said...

Congratulations Sandra, that took tremendous willpower and once again you are an inspiration.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have a notice in my Reading List about a post concerning the Dodo. Naturally, that caught my attention immediately, but it seems not to exist. What happened?

Jo said...

Congratulations Sandra! Your willpower is commendable. And you look more radiant today than whem you still "sugared" My livelihood is weight management and assisting others to attain their healthy goal weight and maintain it for life. Just this week, we put out a 7 day Sugar detox challenge. Many accepted the challenge and a few are continuing to stay without sugar for another week. I had Covid, so couldn't eat anything. Thank you for reminding us of the addiction of sugar.

Rose said...

I think you have dine wonderful. I eat out of boredom a lot...or just killing a few minutes of time.

eileeninmd said...

Well done Sandra! You have are doing great going sugar free all these years.
You are looking great too, I am sure you feel better too.
Congrats, it is hard work. Take care, have a great day!

My Mind's Eye said...

HAPPY HAPPPY 7th year of wonderful self control. I am very proud of you and I love all the photos before and after and the AI
Yes our Beaufort is pronounced like you say Beau's name.
Beaufort, SC is pronounced "Bhew"so that it rhymes with "Phew"
Hugs cecilia

Debby said...

Wow. I love personal testimony’s of fellow strugglers of whatever. It’s the coming out of the bondage into the other side that is encouraging. Well done! It works if you work it!

Mevely317 said...

Cute title! My DIL often says, "Not today, Satan."

I think your middle name needs to be REMARKABLE(!), as evidenced by these pictures. Now I'm pondering what you've written about the wrinkles. I was deleting photos from my phone this morning and realized in January 2019 my face was fuller; not so pinched. What's weird, I probably weight 10lbs. more today than then.
Oh vey! I'm just really happy for you.

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra - KEEP IT UP - you will be here in one year. I really can't be prouder of you - you have defied all odds. One in a million.
I hope one day I can get my mojo up and do it too.

photowannabe said...

Gaining weight back is such a slippery slope. I seem to be on it again..Sugar and carbs are so good and so BAD!!
Not being so active this winter hasn't helped any either.
I must get back to behaving again..never want to be what I was before.
Love your photos and the record you have kept.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You have done such as amazing job over the years. So proud and happy for you. No I don't eat differently in private and I don't eat in secret. I do however have a very small amount of dark chocolate from time to time. My blood work shows pre-diabetic but that comes from my steroids. Now because of my cholesterol levels being high I have been watching carefully what I eat. Statins don't work for me, I get very bad muscle pains in my neck, shoulders and upper arms. Since early November I have lost 20 pounds. I have also stopped drinking wine because I found I couldn't control myself and kept wanting more than a glass or two.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Yes, I am a chocoholic but not in the sense of eating an entire bag, but perhaps a piece or two every time (and not every day). Years ago, I lost quite a few pounds, but lately have stayed relatively the same and recognize that I am overweight. While I walk upwards of 10-11,000 steps daily and keep active the problem that both my huisband and myself have is that we enjoy cooking and unfortunately enjoy some things that are not conducive to losing weight. Congrats to you for sticking to your goals.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Being allergic to all things related to dairy prety much ended the "sweets" things for me. I was a sugarholic/chocoholic but those were the days. Good for you, it's not easy, you should be proud!

Linda said...

You are AMAZING!!!! And an inspiration not only in this but so many other areas! I love you, Sandra!

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurry, hurray, hurray for you!! ❤️

Ida said...

I'm happy that giving up sugar worked so well for you and that you've maintained a healthy weight. I've been trying hard to eat much less sugar these days but don't think unless something really drastic happens that I will give it up completely.

Mevely317 said...

I forgot to say, I took the Food Addicts quiz and answered "yes" to 9. 20 years ago ... even 10, I might have sought help, but I'm just not concerned enough and (most of) my clothes still fit.
I hate to say it, but I know I could easily shed the 10 lbs. I gained since I retired if I were to start smoking again. That was the biggest (best?) appetite suppressant.