Sunday, June 30, 2024

Can you guess what this is?


Guess what this is, remember it and comment with what you think it is.
Scroll way down and take a second guess.
leave in comments your first guess and 2nd guess....

Our friends, Jackie and Richard gave us a huge bag of mangos. I decided to throw the peelings and seed out under the tree in our Window on the Word view. The squirrels went crazy. I saw a small squirrel run with the entire seed in its mouth from the skyway tree to the oak tree. next day under the oake was what was left of the mango seed. He had stripped it clean of the stringy fruit part and eaten all of the inside. 

Amazing! they love all the veggies and fruits left overs that we throw under the tree. And we enjoy watching to see what they will do with  what we throw out.


CheerfulMonk said...

No, I didn't guess that! ❤️

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Yes! I recognised the mango seed shape but struggled to understand what happened happened to it. I was thinking only that it got dessicated under your sunshine. Should have known squirrels would be involved 🤣YAM xx

Ann said...

Not only did I not have a second guess, I didn't even have a first. I was totally clueless.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Looked like a pie crust after the contents have been eaten. In the bottom left picture it even looks crimped along the edge. Shows what a great detective I am!

Rose said...

I had no clue...

eileeninmd said...

Sorry, I could not guess.
I have not have many mangos.
Have a great day!

Donna said... clue! Thought some animal had chewed a dog treat!

Sparky said...

Another totally clueless here too. I thought it might be the remains of a cooked crab shell. I was way off base! LOL 💙

My Mind's Eye said...

My first thought was a piece of Pita bread...
but after reading the post I'm guessing somethign to do with managos.
Hugs cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I, was thinking slightly burnt biscuit with a bit of Provolone cheese sticking out the top. Those squirrels are something else, aren't they?
Happy to be fooled again -- courtesy of Mad Snapper and Mother Nature.

PS - Oh, and happy to see you're back

DawnTreader said...

With the first image I did think some kind of food, but bread (cornbread?) rather than fruit... 2nd guess, no idea. Mango definitely did not come to mind!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Not a mango fan, so I had no clue on this! At first I thought some kind of taco. LOL. Clever. You know how to get out attention!

photowannabe said...

I figured it was a seed pop of some sort. the little guy really stripped it clean.
Didn't sleep good last night myself and neither did Dave.
This financial nightmare is trying to get the best of us and it was so hot and sticky in the house. Its 72F at 7:30am and suppose to get to 100F. by Friday 111F. Ugh!!!

Chatty Crone said...

I was thinking maybe even a shell of some sort - like a crab! lol

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a MANGO seed?! Unbelievable! I have eaten mangos and just don't remember a whole lot about the seeds. My guesses (and I was so sure I was right!) were a pita or flatbread.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I cannot draw at all. The watermelon I did, I pulled up on Pinterest and copied it. Went to W.M. yesterday and no gnomes anywhere. But then you said the garden dept. So, I may go back and look there. I only looked in seasonal.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Doesn't your header look AWESOME on my blog!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yum on the mangos. Glad the squirrels enjoyed your treat. I don't have a guess at all.

The Happy Whisk said...

I got no guesses either! Love that the critters ate the scraps. I am thinking it's treat of the tastebuds. Things not found in the wild, or at least not in their wild.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

At first Mom thought it was a pits crust, but she was wrong Those squirrels are very good at getting at the seads.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well I was clueless, I thought it was fried pita bread.

DeniseinVA said...

Nature is amazing. I thought at first a pita bread but realized the surface was all wrong. Glad the squirrel enjoyed it.