Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Thermostat Anxiety


Meet our Honeywell T-3 AC/Heat Thermostat!
Above is what it looks like and has for 4 years. It's a computer. I hate it. I had the ac guy set it on Manual which means, I know how to change from heat to ac and make the temp go up or down.
Push minus or plus and read the mode. 
Saturday AM we were hot while cleaning floors and I pushed the minus twice, that is how I have for 4 years. 
IT WNE WONKY, Like this below

I pushed select, asked for year, next day, then the words 12 Hours appeared. 
with SELECT the only option.
I FREAKED. we were hot, the ac was running and turning off and on and I was afraid to touch it.
Because it was Saturday I waited from 4 am to 10 am and called. 
The wife that always answered did not. A cute perky adorable voice said
Hi, this is Megan, your virtual assistant. I can understand anything you say, what can I help you with?
GUESS WHAT? she could and did understand every word.
she said, would you like me to have a technical return your call? Yes Please.
5 minutes and the phone rang, and The Wife said what can I help you with.
I told her my issue and she said I can help you, tell me what you see on the thermostat.
She said just hit select, pick the year, pick the day, and when you see
12 hours, hit select, that is what you want, 12 hours. I wanted to ay but why, I don't get this, but wa to excited that when I pushed select it said saving and
PRESTO! there was the way it should be.
I thanked the wife that knew how to do this for the wife that did not and hung up.
I felt so much better a few days later when I shared this story with a friend, Karla as I sat in her living room. She pointed to the wall and said, Look I have the same one. Mine did the same thing, but 
when I called, they came out and fixed it and charged me 90 or 100 for a service call.
Now I am trying to decide what to spend the 100 on that I saved because we have and honest AC person.


Ginny Hartzler said...

So interesting! Karla must have bought hers from a different place!

easyweimaraner said...

wow fortunately you had a nice service person... glad you could solve the problem...

Ann said...

wow, you got lucky with the wife that knew how to help you over the phone.

Rose said...

Makes you appreciate helpful, honest people.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Phew - escaped that cost and kept cool. A winning story! YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Sometimes there are indeed happy endings.

My Mind's Eye said...

OM word Sandra cleaning in 79 degrees would be miserable especially with all the humidity. Thank goodnes Megan the VA was a smart cookie.
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm glad you got it fixed for free, bravo! I really dislike those virtual assistants.

Mevely317 said...

Sista, you're calling my name. I get the vapors every time the little battery icon starts flashing. It's not brain surgery, but you'd think after several times we'd remember. Since the manufacturer's .pdf wasn't much help, I resorted to YouTube and talked Tom through it. The biggest problem was wrenching the cover off the wall.

The Wife who talked you through things deserves a rose!

Chatty Crone said...

I have to say that makes my heart feel positive and happy and grateful! Cool.

CheerfulMonk said...

Bless that wife! She’s doing more good in the world than she knows. ❤️

photowannabe said...

I'm so glad there are a few honest and helpful people left in our crazy world. That AC wife deserves many kudos. So happy there was nothing wrong internally with it. Maybe the power outage "changed the channel" on your AC..What ever its now corrected and you have coolness again..Yay!!!
We bought a Swifter Power Mop which was delivered by Amazon.
We put it together yesterday to get our kitchen tile looking like someone actually lived here.
Didn't work after doing all the suggested fix-it trials. I was ready to give up and use our old icky mop..we are having company tonight and things needed to be done.
Dave called the customer service number on the box and after several press 1 for this and press 2 for that, we got a nice sweet no accent young gal. She walked us through all the points and still nothing.
Issued us a refund and I completed the floor with the old mop. At least its done and presentable. Now not too sure we want to purchase another one or just stick with the rag mop.
Any hoo..its nice to get a customer service person that's live and we could actually talk to her.
So now on to house cleaning and table setting for our bible study group coming after so many months of being off.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, that is very interesting. So glad you were able to get help with it. Was that because the power went out?

Inger said...

I love how you made such a funny story out of this stressful situation. I understand how dependent you are on the a/c working well. And saved money too. I think you should get a treat from the money you saved.

As an aside,our electric company is planning another outage on August 16th, The last one wasn't too bad and I plan to open more windows the night before and let the cool air in. I think they are doing the outages to ensure that all is OK for fire prevention, so one can't really be mad at them. I have been writing some blog posts that I will post when I feel I'm ready to get going with my blog.

Sparky said...

Glad that worked out OK and you saved money. Win-Win! These new fancy schmancy computer driven things make me coo-coo for cocoa puffs! I want my OLD thermostat back that only had a slider dealy on the top. Remember those? Never had any problems or questions about those. Sometimes modern life is a Royal Pain In The .... 🤣💙

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have thermostats similar to that. Mom says if you unintentionally touch the screen, it changes the view. All she knows is to heit "home" and it gets you back to the right place. Glad you got someone who could really help you.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I was going to say your AC person sounds a lot like our person/family. The wife answers the phone and she can help with basic things like that too. Also the daughter can, and she actually goes with her Dad to do the repairs. They are great people and we are thankful to have them because they are available whenever you call, or soon after. I'm glad you didn't need any extensive or expensive repairs! Especially during this time of year and also in light of just surviving a huge storm! Wow! what a blessing to get quick service like that! Our thermostat is a lot like that one too. Some things just get too smart for their own britches! LOL.

DeniseinVA said...

We had to have a new unit put in recently and they gave us one of those. I am still looking at it with suspicions, not touching it! Fortunately other half has no problem as the guy that came in showed him how. Nice of that lady to be so helpful. Virtual assistants? Isn't that a kick?