Friday, September 6, 2024

Silk Floss Tree Ceiba speciosa


This is the back road I take to Beaus, vets office, because it is on the Road To The Beach. OY VEY! The Traffic. none here though.

I pulled under the Silk Floss Tree also known as Ceiba speciosa
and left the car there to pick up Beaus RX from the vet. I go once a month. In a past 
I showed  you the orchid like flowers it grows. This time it was the sun on the thorns.


To see the flowers I took back in 2020 CLICK HERE.. there is one of these that is 60 feet high, on the road I take to shop at Walmart, Maybe one day I will grab a shot of it. in the link shows this one is Pink Silk Floss and what at the library that is Red Silk Floss

Joining Rosy and Sunny at LLB for Nature Friday


Chatty Crone said...

I have never ever been the first to comment! What's up.
Okay I love, love, love that tree. I have a thing for trees. It seems in Florida that you get the most unusual flora and fauna. Hope you had a nice birthday!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Yikes, wouldn't want to bump into this fellow on a dark night without a torch! Fascinating, though. YAM xx

Mevely317 said...

"Sun on the thorns" ... I love that! Your close-up immediately made me think of a rhino. Mother Nature sure has a sense of humor when she creates some of the flora and fauna.
Did you have a nice birthday?

Brian's Home Blog said...

That tree is really amazing, I've not seen anything like it.

eileeninmd said...

It is an amazing tree, the thorns look dangerous. The flowers are pretty. Take care, have a wonderful weekend!

Sparky said...

What a strange tree. I can see why it's one of your favorites. Very cool. Good photos too.
I'm so lazy now I order all our doggie med's on-line via 1-800-petmeds. For us, it saves money because we're so far away from the Vet.
Hope y'all are having a great day. 💙

DawnTreader said...

I've never seen anything like it - except for your previous post about it (on which I said the same thing... lol)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my GOSH! I have never seen such thick, bulging thorns!!! You got really good shots, otherwise I would never have believed it. And the opposition between the big thorns and lovely delicate flowers, oy vey!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh wow, those thorns are something else! I've never seen a tree like that. Ouch!

Ann said...

It's a really cool looking tree but those thorns look deadly. I checked the link and the flowers it gets are really pretty.

Debby said...

Very unusual looking tree, that is probably only found in Florida. Pretty flowers. That tree is a weapon with those thorns. Scary

Tigger's Mum said...

That looks even worse than a Monkeypuzzle tree. Are they really hard spikes? (Might explain why you don't have footpaths - who'd want to risk walking into that?!)

Rose said...

Your mission should you live long enough is to count the thorns!

Linda P said...

Your nearby neighbourhood is a pretty place. That tree is very strange. I would not like to bump into it. :(

David M. Gascoigne, said...

That’s a great tree! I can think of a few politicians I’d like to have climb it!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Ouch! That Thorn Tree would be a painful thing to bump into for sure! It's very interesting and I've never seen one before, but I truly do not want one growing in MY yard! LOL. God sure has a sense of humor in all of the things He has created!! Thank you for sharing this with us. Now I've seen everything! LOL. Well, probably not, but that's just a saying, of course. LOL. Good night dear friend.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh wow, that is an amazing tree!