Saturday, September 7, 2024

Memory Test Understanding the results part 3


You may remember these tests in a prior post. The memory tests I completed to find out if I had dementia.   I DO NOT HAVE DEMENTIA,YAY! I am  sharing the results from MY Memory. Hard to do. This might be confusing, if so, move on. I am posting this for me to read in the future when I have a (ha ha) memory lapse. 

The results gave me a whole new opinion of myself.

 The Doctor talked for 45 minutes, yes, I did get a few words in, ha ha.
As I stood to leave, I thanked him and said you have shown me myself in a new way and I wish you had been in my life in Dec of 1959 when I moved to middle of 9th grade in Savannah. My life was a total mess and the years until I graduated high school were the worst of my life. If I had known what your test have shown me, I would have understood I was not Stupid. He said you are most definitely not stupid.

He started with this graph.

The test I took, are given by Employers to their employees or people that apply for jobs. It test for skills, and shows which ones are better than others. Also used to test for dementia.

the first test above I aced and got what 72 percent of people get. It shows organization skills.

Read red/green list as quickly as you can I got both of those 100 percent, but it showed I can read it but the more I read the slower I get. He said this means a perfectionist, and that getting it right is more important than meeting the time limit. 

My highest scores were all Written Tests
My lowest were Oral tests.
The written tests I got all correct, but it came down because I did not finish all of it in the time given.

My lowest score was the oral test. She read me a short story and said repeat the story I just read.
I stuttered, and could only make one sentence, I got the gist of the story but not the words.
she read it twice more and I still could not tell the entire story.

This means, I don't learn by listening and don't do well in lectures or oral classroom skills
This is the reason I can't listen to audio books, I can't follow the story line, unless I see it to follow it. Also, it is why I have trouble listening to podcasts or watching documentary.
In History class, teacher would read a page from the history book and give us a timed test to write down what we heard. I failed them all. and thought I was stupid.

Along the same lines as this one, she read me 12 words out loud and said repeat the words. I got 3.
she then said I will read these same words, but I will say two words, one is on the list and one is not. Tell me which ones were on the list. I got all 12 of them right, when she gave me a choice. 
In school, I aced multiple choice and when answering a question I missed most of them.

She gave me a drawn picture and said copy this. I did so. after a few other tests, she said draw the picture of the box you drew before but do it from memory. I drew it perfect. I retain what I write or read but not what I hear orally. WOW I wish I had known these things. We are all different.
not wrong, Different.

On all of the test averaged together I did what 50 percent of people do IF they don't have dementia.
It shows which skills I would excel in and would be slow in but proves I can do all the skills, but some not quickly as others.
I always felt bad because my brother was straight A honor roll in high school and college. 
I was Average, B, C, and in math D and the reason was, the classes that were lectures I got a bad grade, the others I got good grade ad the bad with good made me Average. He also said I am type A personality and I AM. 

I can follow a tutorial, but not listen to the video and learn. If I do it while I watch it, I get it.
I have to write it or read it to learn it, and retain it.
I am an excellent teacher, but and not listen to a teacher well. I knew that, but not why. 
This was the results of the test where she turned on the computer and said put your finger on the space bar, and tap the bar each time you see the letter X and do not tap any other letter.
I said to the doctor, I hated that test more than any of the others and thought it would never end. He told me the test is 3 minutes long on purpose, to see how long before you are bored. the first minute you got them all right, the second you started to miss, or tap wrong. by the 3rd minute you slowed to a crawl because you were bored and aggravated but you got more right. I laughed because I was thinking WILL THIS EVER END. 
He said we could see that in your score, which means you can't listen to a lecture and learn.
Each job takes a skill, if we were all the same who would do the jobs that require another skill.
I would be awful at a factory production line.
Signing off as So happy I am retired.
If you have no clue what I have said here, that is also OK.. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

So interesting. There are different types of learners and you learn be seeing. Me too!! Hearing can confuse me.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Excellent stuff. I can learn in all forms... But for retention where facts are involved, I do need to write/take notes. For example, I enjoy history and can tell you lots of stories from it...but don't ask me for dates! So there's an element of learning (and retaining) only what really interests us. Fair enough, I say!!! YAM xx

Rose said...

I so would l love to take the tests...j ut st to see what it woukd tell me. I find it so interesting.

Donna said...

Chipmunks and beetles don't do the same job...neither do honeybees and wasps. We are all different for a reason...thank goodness. I'm sorry your school years were miserable. I identify...
I was average in high school but graduated third highest in my nursing class of 30 and went on to deliver babies... You just never know.

DawnTreader said...

That is really interesting, thanks for sharing. I think I too remember more from reading with my eyes, especially when it comes to proper "studying" and memorizing. But at the same time find it easier than you to listen, as I do listen a lot to audio books and radio. (How much sticks in my memory afterwards may depend a lot both on the context and who is doing the reading/talking though.)

Linda P said...

I would find the test difficult. I'm glad you got good news after taking the test. :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

There are doubtless many forms of learning, and it is apparent that most people have greater facility in one or another. I tend to associate learning with experience. If I am out on one of my walks and find a new plant, for example, I can very quickly store its key features in my my memory, along with its common and scientific name, but if I try to learn it only from a book, it often escapes me almost the moment I turn the page.

Ann said...

From all of this I would say that we are probably more alike than I realized. I don't learn something from having someone tell me. I also would have gotten very bored in a 3 minute test of doing the same thing over and over.

Sparky said...

Well done! You are smart, creative, kind, and so many other good qualities. I'm glad someone told you that.
There's a lot of me in all that was described. I'm a reader not a good listener unless I get to listen several times. I've also had to take the same test. I was always told I was stupid, slow, lazy, etc. by my adopted father. He was so cruel. But the lady that gave me the test awhile back said I have a higher than average IQ (I was shocked!) but do best after reading at my own pace. I have to mull something over for a bit before it registers. Well, whatever my abilities or failings I pray that God will use them to His glory. That would please me more than anything. 💙

Chatty Crone said...

As I worked in the school system so many years - and they always try new things - a couple of years they decided to test the kids what kind of learner they were. Visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. You are definitely reading and writing as number one. The effect of all that testing - is that teachers are now required to teach using all methods at the same time. They have a white board, they read out loud, they give handouts and use manipulatives to help all kids. We didn't have that back then. It was taught in one way and if it wasn't your learning style - too bad.

eileeninmd said...

This is a great post, I do not learn by listening to lectures. I do better learning by experience. I am glad you did well on your test and you do not have dementia. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

My Mind's Eye said...

MS most impressed with your MEMORY of the Memory tests.
I might pass the test but I would fail the 'recall"
Hugs to you and Beau

My Mind's Eye said...

On our trip last week we met two large pups. Hazel, one of the pups I meet was hilarious. It was a crazy mix of Staffordshire terrier, pit bull, Labrador and the funniest was a wee bit of Chihuahua…I had to giggle
the only thing that could have had Chihuahua was the tip of its tail. Her Mom is a high school chemistry teacher…for a class project to send in Hazel’s DNA for a class project.

Mevely317 said...

FIRST, I'm so impressed that doctor gave you 45 minutes of his time!
I find every bit of this really fascinating, and wonder if I might qualify to sit for one of these exams. (Not that I'm really worried ... just curious.) I'm going to look on-line.
Hugs right back!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wow! I think we are twins. I am also a visual learner, not an auditory learner. That's why I prefer reading and writing and using real books and also typing on the computer what I am thinking. If I have to say what I am thinking out loud without writing it down, I will lose my train of thought and forget what I wanted to say. I was an average student in school, but my test scores on standardized tests were always very high. My teachers were perplexed and thought I should have done much better in school. Mostly I was too busy having fun and being distracted by boys, at least that was my excuse. Now, if I can write down a lecture as I hear it, I will do much better than if I just listen without notes. Anyway, We are very similar. Now my hubby and youngest son are the opposite. They are auditory learners and I say they learn by osmosis. They can look like they aren't paying any attention and can turn around and tell you everything that just happened. My youngest son dropped out of high school and later too the GED and aced it the first time. He was bored in school and getting into too much trouble, so he was better off quitting when he did because it was embarrassing for us as a Pastor and wife in a small town to keep being called to the principal's office because of our son skipping class, etc. He got a job and worked and took the ged and has managed well for himself, although he doesn't have much to show for it and basically earns enough to survive. Thankfully he's never married, although a wife might have been a blessing for him...but God knows best. So there you have our live stories. Good bye for now. You are amazing and don't ever put yourself down. God just makes us each different for a good reason!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Very interesting, I learn more by watching and listens than I do from reading.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

This was so interesting. Thank you for sharing all of this information. I'm going to save this post. I can relate to so many things that you mentioned. I had a lot of problems in school.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I read every word of this and found it fascinating. I did well in school but then had to teach myself a lot of things as an adult. I learned to cook from cook books. I never cooked a single thing in my life before I got married. Isn't that weird! My mother was a perfectionist and wouldn't allow us in the kitchen of all things! I taught all 4 of my boys to cook AND to clean! Hugs! I got off subject here! haahaa!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

PS You are AMAZING my friend! Just AMAZING!

photowannabe said...

Outstanding and those tests really showed the Real YOU.
I think they were A+++ and accurate.
What peace of mind these must have given you now but I am sorry your early years were so hard and unpleasant.
I wanna HUG too.

The Happy Whisk said...

Glad you learned that you're not stupid. Most excellent. Here's to you!

Shug said...

Interesting!! I am not a good test taker...Never have been...I am a visual person. If I see it or see how something is supposed to work, I can get it. Not good reading instructions. The reason I never anything I have to put together.


It's wonderful to hear that you do not have dementia and that the memory tests have given you a fresh perspective on yourself. It’s powerful to see how much understanding and validation can come from such evaluations. It’s clear that this experience has been deeply meaningful and empowering for you.

Thank you for sharing this personal journey and the impact it has had on your self-view.

Hi, wishing you a happy weekend. I just shared a new post please read:

Debby said...

I don't know what my learning style is. When I am deeply interested in a subject, I find that I can easily recall specific details and numbers related to it. On the other hand, if it's a topic that doesn't capture my interest, I tend to forget everything about it. I really enjoy absorbing information through lectures, documentaries, and reading. Writing is my preferred mode of expression because, as an introvert, I find it difficult to make my voice heard in group discussions. When I have the chance to sit at the keyboard and pour my thoughts onto the screen, it brings me immense joy.

I've been thinking about the various methods of learning and how they impact our ability to retain information. It's fascinating to consider how our futures might have been different if we had been taught using techniques tailored to help us retain what we learned. Interesting.

DeniseinVA said...

This is really eye opening. I am glad it answered some questions for you and thanks to this, it answers a lot of my own questions. I am very much a visual learner and I freeze to this day at any kind of test. I had this one math teacher who was a screamer. He wasn’t a very nice person. I still remember his name and face to this day, and I still get a sinking feeling. Fortunately I don’t think of him very often.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This longish post was interesting, Sandra, in that it explained to many of us why we learn and acquire info in different ways. I too am more visual in learning about most everything. I have listened to audiobooks and podcasts but my retention is not as good as if I read what was said.

Ida said...

Well that was certainly interesting.