Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Hurricane Milton (apocalypse inside my head)

the top left is the line we were sitting in for an hour waiting for sandbags to put at our sliding glass door.

✅  Water 12 gallons and 45 bottles, a few in each room in case one room has blown windows or roof gone

  ✅ cash ✅ photos of every thing in the house taken and in the cloud  ✅ Beaus Rabies/shots record in my phone. He went to vet yesterday, yes we went with him. Vet Tech said get a copy of your shots, if you go anywhere during or after storm, they will want to see it.

✅important papers in plastic bags inside cooler, duct taped so it will float and survive.

✅RX inside small cooler, for dog and both humans, name, address and phone number, 

✅ Card made with 5 MOST important passwords 

✅ phones charged, iPad, Chromebook charged, 3 battery packs charged, I used one of the packs during Helene power outage to run a USB lamp

Two new lanterns, with 6 settings, Red Steady, Red Flashes (hope I don't need those), high/low flash light and high/low as lantern with string to hang on arm, yes, I played with them. One can charge while using other one, since it said DO NOT use while charging.
This means I will not be in the dark when the apocalypse, umm Hurricane comes. We will get high winds about 8 pm Wed evening and the eye will be over us 3 am Thursday morning
we have been through 9 hurricanes in 40 years and one has NEVER come in daylight hours.
If it thinks it might get here in daylight, it stops and sits in the gulf and gathers itself faster and faster to take aim AFTER DARK
Thank you to the many of you who offered us space to come and stay, and for all the messages, texts, and calls offering help.
Bob's niece and nephew, children of his oldest sister offered to charge a hotel for us to stay in
but they wanted us to go south to Venice, which is going to be hit harder than we are.
There is no where to go, or we would have gone... 
we are in zone E and we are not in evacuation zone. My neighbor told me today he checked the maps and it said for water to go over us it would have to be 33 feet, we may become and island and not be able to get out for a while or we may have a tree on the house or be minus a roof, but he told me to not fret about not being able to climb on a roof..
I ask him to promise me, the first thing he will do after the storm is come outside and look to see if a tree is on my house and come see if I am dead or alive, because one of my worst fears is a tree falling on me and NOT killing me, but trapping me there for 20 hours and no way for anyone to find me.
He laughed and said, you sound like my wife. (he did not offer me to come and stay where there are no trees, because it is the house of 7 cars, with 6 adults and an 18 month old baby and 3 dogs) I would have said no. ha ha
Bye for Now and We will see  you on the other side and I hope that means after the storm and not in heaven.
I am trying to be funny, but I do not feel funny. 
I feel really terrified waiting for D-Day tomorrow
If you are on Facebook, watch for a post from Amanda McCall, I will text her if I can and she will tag my page with and update, she is one of my family in Augusta that was hit by Helen a few days ago and was without power for 7 days, plus no cellphone service because
 the cell towers went down
if you hear nothing you will when we can.
I hope you don't see me on the news trying to climb from the roof into a row boat, because I am also afraid of water and boats...not just the dark


photowannabe said...

Thank you for all the info on what you need during the hurricane. Prayers for all of you and thanks for the update info about your family member Amanda McCall.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You have certainly prepared, Sandra. I cannot image how terrified you must feel after going through Helene. We hope that you, Bob and Beau will be as safe as possible and we will see you on the other side and NOT that side.

DawnTreader said...

It certainly sounds like you've done everything you possibly could to be prepared, Sandra - and I can hope you'll be rewarded by not really needing half of it... I'll be thinking of you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I just cannot imagine how scared you are now I think I would die of fear. But the 33 feet news is good! I am very relieved to read that. And that you have a neighbor who will check on you. Hopefully all you will have is no power for awhile and a yard full of debris. You have done all that you can now, which is a lot more than most people will even think of. Can you send me the link for the lanterns?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Sounds like you are as ready as can be expected, Sandra. Now it's all up to Milton. Good luck.

Millie and Walter said...

Millie & Walter have their paws crossed that Milton becomes a dud before he hits you all. You are as prepared as possible, and we hope you don't need those supplies for long. We will be thinking of you and will check FB for any updates.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Preparedness is two thirds of the battle, Sandra. I shall be praying that Milton does not lash you and that this has all been for nought - but you really couldn't do any more, so courie in, remember to breathe, and let us pray the visit is short and soft... YAM xx

Debby said...

The thought of facing a hurricane is absolutely terrifying to me, especially since I've never been through one. I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. It seems like you are handling the situation as best as anyone could under the circumstances. I'll be keeping a close eye on the situation, and I might even stay up on Wednesday night into Thursday morning to stay updated. 3am would be midnight here, so I'll be thinking of you during that time. Just hold on tight, okay?

Ann said...

You sound very well prepared. I can only imagine how terrifying this must be. I've never had to go through anything like it. You know you will be in my thoughts and prayers until this is over.

Linda P said...

I cannot imagine what you are going through. You, Bob and Beau are in my thoughts and prayers.

Mevely317 said...

I'm so impressed by your level-headedness and preparations. Times like this you can't control the weather; rather you've chosen to control your reactions.
I was telling Tom earlier, at least Floridians are given ample warnings; unlike our tornados.
Nothing can strike fear in our hearts the way Mother Nature can.
Praying hard!

CheerfulMonk said...

Oh, Sandra! I hope you will be all right. Thank you for writing. ❤️

Betty Manousos said...

oh, can’t even imagine what you’re going through. sending thoughts and prayers your way.

Betty Manousos said...

I’ll be thinking of you..(((hugs)))

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We know you are prepared, but we wish you could have gotten out. You know how much we are thinking of you and hoping all will be well. <<<<<>>>

Woos - Misty and Timber and Mom

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I'd say you are as well prepared as possible, and now we just wait and pray. Pray and wait. wait and pray. pray and wait. But God IS with us and He will NOT leave us nor forsake us. So pray and wait and wait and pray, but do not despair...you are not alone. God is with you. (((hugs)))

Rose said...

Just. Checing this now...I had checked early...you are in my prayers.