Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Bing AI Misfires Not Quite Wordless


Get Over It, lady, I will just put it back in the jar.

I asked Bing AI to create a bright colored humming bird, holding a rope, tied to a large rock, dragging it behind. this is what I got. SOOOO. today Lets Caption what you see, Pick one or all and  give me the caption. One or all or none. this blog is for PHUN


Ginny Hartzler said...

How to steal from bees.

Cathy said...

How strange they all feature a pot of honey and a dipper

easyweimaraner said...

oh sweeeet... I have so much failed bing creatures created, it's enough for a movie... I feared that someone could see my fails and sends the special squad to arrest me for my weird ideas hahahahahahahaha

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Adorable! "Love is a jar of honey"...YAM xx

Ann said...

Bing AI wasn't listening too well to your prompt but it did give you some really pretty pictures. I'm horrible at captions though so I'll gust pass on that.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great to see you again, Honey.

Rose said...

Life is a dip in the honey jar!

eileeninmd said...

Love the hummers, colorful AI images.
I am not good at captions.
Take care, have a great day!

Tigger's Mum said...

It's all a bit Tinkerbell and Peter Pan stuff isn't it? I wonder where AI got the honey pot out of your instruction!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Out of honey? Just wing it!

My Mind's Eye said...

WOW WOW WOW Sandra you created my most favorite bird in the world. I adore hummers. I look forward to their return each spring. I keep of log of when they return and all their antics thru out the season. Males are first in late March.
Then speaking to the pot of honey. Several years ago I looked out to check on my hummers and to my shock and horror I saw the entire feeder covered in honey bees. Never has that happened before of since. The hummers were diving and squeaking they were not at all happy. Finally Bryan had to get his 20' extension limb trimmer out. He extended it about 15'put the hook under the feeder and heaved hoed. The feeder when flying one way the bees went flying another way and Bryan ran faster than the speed of light to get out of their path. We think the bees had somehow lost their way to their hive. At the time we had a bee keeper in the neighborhood. It was all very comical as I think back. There were not photos.
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

Hmm - I don't know a caption, but it is very pretty.
Hungry Hummingbird?

Mevely317 said...

How about, "Honeycomb, won't you be my baby, oh honeycomb be my own ...."

Yep, I'm channeling 1957's Jimmie Rodgers ... and it's stuck in my head. I'll bet Bob remembers this one.

photowannabe said...

That's a Humm-dinger AI....
Sweet !!

CheerfulMonk said...

How did AI get that? Pretty pictures though. ❤️

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That certainly wasn't what you asked for.

DeniseinVA said...

AI has a ways to go but these are very pretty.

LC said...

How about "Honey Hummer"

Ida said...

Just for fun I went to Bing AI and ask the same thing you did. I got 4 totally different photos then you did and mine had an actual rope with a rock tied on them.